theBlu VR


Unreal Engine

5-10 minutes

No narration, just music, sound effects, anyone can understand the experience “wonder.” Each scene starts off simple, and then more and more creatures appear as a crescendo.

There is a bit of text in the 3 chapter area selection. The text gives basic UI instructions. This text is in 2d, and although underwater, not in a highly animated place. 

Story Arch
theBlu: is a deeply immersive VR series that allows audiences to experience the wonder and majesty of the ocean through different habitats and come face to face with some of the most awe inspiring species on the planet. It has been designed as beautiful moments in passing or a collection of memories that powerfully tap into the vast potential of VR. There is no narration.

All gaming and CGI elements. The lighting was incredible and the animations and movement of the creatures were well done and highly effective. The use of particles as  debris was also used and a good edition. The most interesting feature was for the 3rd scene, in the deep sea, where you use your hand as a flashlight to explore and light up the environment in real time. It was highly immersive.

Three full scenes with the opportunity to see all around. There were creatures swimming all around, so you are constantly looking around.

Color Palette
Full colour and hyper saturated

It was a full scenography, as if you were underwater, designed with 360 environments and also above. You were placed on a ledge of some sort (ship deck, sand deck, bottom of the sea) so the action never happened below your horizon line.

Point of View
The user is as if they are scuba diving in space, exploring the environments. The 1st scene featured a whale that comes up close and looks into your eye which was powerful.  

Looking Around
The user can interact with the scene moving in a real space to see from different angles, and the creatures swim all around so you are constantly looking everywhere. For the final scene with the flashlight, you illuminate the locations you want to see better, so it was very beautiful, provoked curiousity and immersive.

Each scene is linear and you don’t have a role in how you experience it, except for the final scene where you can slow down time. Playing with time was very interesting. 

Sound is 3d with a soundtrack and sound effects, the music was composed for the story and works incredibly well because there is a well developed soundtrack.