The Singularity

Oculus Rift Experience

3D Maya or something along that level.


4 minutes of material

No narration, only a soundtrack

In the interactive part, the text is 2D but placed in 3d space, on info panels or in space. The text is quite small, black against the white background. The film is basically a spatial infographic. 

Story Arch
It shows the principles of the 10 rules for singularity, like a motion graphic would do. It is hard to percieve what the principles are because so much is happening all around. A couple people from the lab watched it and liked it visually, but had no idea what the experience was about nor did they have a better understanding of what “singularity” is. As a tool to teach, the experience failed in that respect.

Highly curated, vector motion graphics

You are in an abstract world, a bit like Pixar’s Inside Out film when they go into abstraction.

Color Palette
in a limited colour pallet against a white background.

A line bounces all around the space and with it unveils new information/animations, you mostly follow that line and move in space a bit.

Point of View
The film is framed for you but you do not play a role in the story. As if it were a ride in an amusement park like a haunted house.

Looking Around
You look around quite a lot since the vectors bounce around you and you are afraid of losing some information, in general the POV is directly ahead.

The experience is fixed and happens quite fast with a lot of visuals. It is very aesthetically nice, but hard to perceive without prior knowledge of what it is trying to explore. The second time I saw it, after reading about the principles and having an idea of them, I understood and appreciated the animations on a conceptual level.

Just just a soundtrack, which was upbeat. It added a bit to the environment and excitement, but took away a bit of the learning process.