Notes on Blindness VR


360 VR Film


6 minutes

This is narrated by the author who went blind himself. The narration is a recording he made in 1983 about his experience in a park. The original document is very important for the emotional content.

There are no subtitles, only at the beginning 2d white text against the dark background to introduce the tape recording.

Story Arch
It is told as he recorded his observations, he observed in a story-like manner so there was a build up and release with the content.


It is CGI, 360, but not interactive. Of the videos in WithIN this one was perhaps the most interesting visually because the quality is low res., but here with the low resolution it isn’t an issue, because it is about visualising blindness which is blurry and based on sound.

It is one full shot, you are in the place of the narrator and his “view” of the park. Most of the action happens directly in front of you, but at times something around you moves and makes a noise.

Color Palette
It dark blue, with glowing visualisations of sound.

The view is not really symmetrical, but a view from a bench in a park.

Point of View
The user is a sitting on a park bench, but it is hard to perceive the environment.

Looking Around
The story happens directly in front for the most part.

It was a linear story, no opportunity to fast forward, rewind or change your pace/location in the story. This was ok, I was not bothered by the lack of interaction.

Sound played a key role in the experience. The soundtrack music began with the opening credits and the sound effects (water, wind, kids) and recording narration all helped to make it much more immersive.